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Home /News /Common problem /What are the differences and similarities between FFC connector and FPC connector

What are the differences and similarities between FFC connector and FPC connector

Release time:2021-06-10

First, the difference between ffc connector and fpc connector

1. The definition is different. The FPC connector (Flexible Printed Circuit board) is a flexible printed circuit board, and the FFC connector (FHlexible Flat Cable) is a flexible flat cable connector, one is a circuit board, and the other is a flat cable.

⒉The line formation method is different. FPC is a method of chemical etching to process FCCL (flexible copper clad foil) to obtain flexible circuit boards with different circuit layouts, single-sided, double-sided and multi-layer structures; FFC is a flat copper foil sandwiched between two upper and lower insulating foil films. The finished product is simpler and thicker.

3. The price is different. Due to the nature and design of the product, the price of ffc connectors is much lower than that of fpc connectors. But thanks to lower production costs, more companies prefer ffc related designs.

Second, the similarities between ffc connector and fpc connector

1. Same application areas. Both ffc connectors and fpc connectors are widely used in electronic equipment such as liquid crystal displays, scanners, plotters, scanners, copiers, stereos, and fax machines.

⒉The characteristics are the same. Both the ffc connector and the fpc connector have the characteristics of excellent flexibility, flexible application, foldable, miniaturized manufacturing, compactness, high-density integration, space saving, and simple connection.

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