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Tel :0769-85263350
Fax :0769-85725006
Contact person : Mr. Yao
Mobile number : 13923887949
QQ : 215110183
E-mail : balakeyao@ dg-beautiful.com
Address : No. 30, Dongxiang Road, Beizha, Humen Town, Dongguan City
Home /Quality /Engineering Development

Through this fire drill, the employees’ awareness of prevention and self-rescue capabilities have been further enhanced, and they understand and master basic operations such as how to identify hazards and how to take necessary emergency measures, so as to achieve rapid, orderly, timely and effective accidents. Effect. We will regularly carry out training or drills to improve the emergency rescue skills and comprehensive quality of emergency response of our company employees, effectively reduce accident hazards, reduce accident losses, and ensure the company's safe, healthy and orderly development.

Dongguan Yihao Electronics Co., Ltd. Copyright 2021